
Back to black lyrics amy winehouse
Back to black lyrics amy winehouse

Many of Amy Winehouse's songs contain overt drug references, although it can be missed sometimes here in the us because some of her slang may be unfamiliar to Americans, because she is - I mean, was - from the uk, and they use some different, often very funny, and colorful, terms for various stuff. How many tragic downfalls there have been, so many deaths, so many lost careers, families, reputations and fortunes? This could literally be a party game - how many drug or alcohol related deaths in rock & roll or popular music artists can you name? I mean, where do you even start: Hank Williams? Janis Joplin? Jimi Hendrix? Jim Morrison? You get my drift. But maybe it is more healthy than the many drug-dependent, alcoholic or drug-abusing musical artists who publicly deny drug or alcohol use, while their lives slowly - or quickly - unravel. It is, at least, an honest approach, but I am not saying it is a healthy one. She never tried to cover it up or "maintain" - if she was f****d-up, she acted like she was f****d-up, and admitted being f****d-up, too.

back to black lyrics amy winehouse

She emphasized it with her clothes, makeup, hair, body, etc.

back to black lyrics amy winehouse

Does anybody not know that? Her drug use, as blatant, unhidden, and over-the-top as it was, was actually a part of her cache as an artist and a big part of her personal identity. Maye if you have never heard of black tar heroin, you might mistake it for something else - but Amy was definitely into heroin and other opiates and other drugs as well. How anyone could mistake the "black" in this song for anything other than black tar heroin is beyond me.

Back to black lyrics amy winehouse